DStream 1.2

This is a real time aggregation engine for maximum developer productivity
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DStream is a real time aggregation engine designed for maximum developer productivity at all stages of the development cycle.
Real time multidimensional aggregates
Aggregates are defined in code - so no need to learn how to use other tools. They are accessed just as easily. Data can contain dimensions and all aggregates can be filtered by these dimensions.
No Cubes, No MDX
It is an "OLAP" system in that it permits multidimensional queries - however there is no notion of a "cube". All aggregates are kept up to date as the data arrives - furthermore, events can be generated allowing the system to "drive" out changes to the user, rather than relying on polling.
Yep, it's really fast (100's to 1000's of updates a second are typical - depending on hardware and hierachy complexitiy) - and read performance is exceptional
Uses your own database
This point alone makes DStream easier to use that any other OLAP engine as you can scale / backup / optimise your own database much easier than a proprietary datastore. You can even combine DStream with other OLAP tools (the DStream table makes a great fact table) - for full flexibility of real time data and cube base analysis as well.



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